Tag Archives: forward

Don’t Count Yourself Out!

In life, we sometimes get discouraged because things don’t always go as planned. Just because you may feel that you have dropped the ball, don’t be afraid to pick it back up. The most successful people in the world have had the most failures, but they refused to give up! You may not have gotten it right the first time, but try again. It is important to learn from what didn’t work and discover ways and strategies to improve! You have more to gain than what you could lose! Consistency is key! If you are consistent, you will develop a routine and it will become a habit! When something becomes a habit, you can almost guarantee that you will get the results you want by continuing to stay focused and keep pressing despite the obstacles and stumbling blocks! There will still be some occasions where you get it wrong, but don’t count yourself out! Keep going while looking ahead…don’t focus on the past!

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The Best Is Yet To Come

In life, we face many challenges and obstacles! It is how we handle them that determines the next steps of our life.  I am a firm believer that your mindset determines your outcome!

There are several people that are in my inner circle that are facing a variety of hardships whether financially, physically, or mentally! I do my best to encourage them and let them know that the best is yet to come and to stand firm.

When you are facing difficult situations in life, it is of extreme importance to surround yourself only with positive people. This may seem hard for some people to do because some of the negative people in your lives may be close family members or friends. You have to remember that before you can effectively take care or love anyone else, you must take care of and love yourself.  During those rough times in your life, you have to stay positive because any minor setback can cause you to make a decision that will have your life completely out of control.

It is when you change your mindset from negative to positive, that you will begin to see that things are not as bad as you thought they were. I truly feel that this is a season restoration, so whatever you feel that you have lost, will be given back to you double fold. In other words, you will get double for your trouble! Look forward toward your future instead of backwards at your past because you will see that the best is yet to come…when it comes, it will be here to stay! Do you believe that? I DO!!!

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Where Are You Going?

Lately, I have been pondering this simple quote that came to mind…”Don’t take negative steps forward.” A lot of times people feel that they are moving forward, but what you have to ask yourself is are you moving forward in the right direction. It is important to do a regular self-evaluation of your life in order to stay on the right track. During the hustle and bustle of things, not only do we sometimes lose sight of who we are, but also what our purpose is and what our goals and aspirations are.

If you never think about where you are going, chances are, you will find yourself going nowhere fast. I have found that to be dangerous territory to be in because during that time, you are just existing and not living. When you think about where you are going, it is very crucial that you are completely honest with yourself abut where you are in life at that very moment.

In closing, one of the best gifts you can give yourself is the gift of “truth”. When you can master how to truly be true to yourself, it is then that you can begin to take positive steps forward instead of negative steps forward!


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Choose To Win

None of use are exempt from disappointments, setbacks (whether minor or major), heartache, pain, frustration, guilt, and so on. (I’m sure you get the picture!) Once we accept this fact, it saves us a lot of time on trying to figure everything out. I cannot express this enough, “Your mindset determines your outcome.”

Stop stressing over things you cannot change. Once it’s done, it’s done. From that point, all we can do is move forward. By moving forward, it allows us to make progress. If you do look back, only do it to remember where and how far you have come from. It’s not possible to make the same mistake twice because after the first time it becomes a choice. Since we have a choice, let’s choose to win!

We can’t go through life holding onto things and people that were only meant to be in our lives for a season or two. When we hold on to things or people that have expired in our lives, it hinders us from getting to the next level. We have to learn to let go when it’s time and not be afraid of the outcome. Take a moment to think about some things or people we have been holding on to past the expiration date. Holding on can cause us to lose, so choose to win!

“Instead of looking at the trials we face as a life sentence, look at them as a served term.” Trials don’t last forever–You are free to Choose To Win!!!




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